
3306 Carriage Court
Coquitlam, BC V3E 3G6

Info/Scheduling: 604-463-7537 (7KFP)
Fax: 604-941-3410

Kids First Physio

Kidsfirst Physio Cancellation Policy

Note on illnesses: While we are no longer doing COVID screenings, it is expected that children will NOT attend appointments if they have been exposed, or if they are sick with COVID or any other illness.

Masks are now (July 2023) optional at pool physio and clinic physio appointments. Please let us know prior to your appointment if you would prefer staff to be masked

Items to Note:
  1. Cancel by 5PM the day before to avoid charge
  2. Please give more notice if possible
  3. State reasons for cancellations
  4. Closure dates listed on website calendar
Cancellations are required for any appointments that will be missed. Cancellations are accepted via email, call, or text to 604-463-7537 by 5PM the day before your appointment in order for you to avoid being charged in full for the appointment. If you need to cancel with less notice than that (in case of illness or emergency), you will be charged for the appointment but we will not count it as a no-show. (Repeated no-shows may result in the cancellation of further physiotherapy for your child.)

Please include the reason for the cancellation.

Also, if you know you will need to cancel an upcoming appointment (busy, away, etc.), we ask that you please give us as much advanced notice as possible so that we can adjust staffing or offer the spot to another patient in need. Again, please include the reason for the cancellation.

On our end, as we have for many years, as soon as we're aware of closure dates, we list them on our website calendar, for your convenience and information. Calendar